Monday, 24 January 2011

Film Project - Shift

Finding Location - 22. 01. 2011

BioCity is the one main location in our film. We already the promotion from biocity. That we can shot on this weekend.

Post box

Alleyway - Broadmarsh

Actually that's not relate to our film. Here is a place which is behind biocity. Its a nice place and quite. Thinking it can be use for the opening.

London Field Trip

19/01/2011 - London Field Trip - 1300-1700

Sunny Day today! 3 hours for coach.

I go to V & A museum first.
This is a Photography exhibition from 5 difference location artist. Using shadow to create image without camera. Create a image into the paper using these method: Casting shadows, manipulating light or chemically treating the surface of the paper. Because I can't take photo in the gallery, so I just use the image on the internet. When I walk around the gallery, see the image, feeling that image can be over flow, can be reflection, and be positive and negative, everything on this photo paper can be possible. Like a dream or death. And I found out that method of photography, can use many kind of photo paper. Some is thin, some is just a normal one.

Note about this exhibition 

China town Japanese rice hahahahhahahhaahah!!!!

Science Museum